The Shape of Stories

A workshop exploring the ways time, space, and emotion layer together to create the shape of a story 🌀 2020


This experience asked participants to start with the emotional purpose of the story they wished to tell. From there, they considered the world and the “architecture” of the story spaces, layering in the physical and emotional sense of movement, and lastly nestling in the shape of time.

Why & Who

This workshop was a means of introducing some of the craft behind creating Audio Acid Trips, and equipping a community of creators within IDEO to build new muscles around building, rather than simply telling, stories. 

Emergent questions

  • How do space, time, and emotion relate to one another and create the movement of a story? 

  • How do we leverage our brain’s predilection for metaphor in order to evoke meaning and relationships? 

  • How do we navigate physicality in the realm of the imaginal?

Find out more

Want to bring the Shape of Stories workshop to your team, organization, or community? Send me an email to chat.