
A collective treasure hunt for magic, joy, and what it means to be a heart-led experience designer 🌀 2023 - Ongoing


Experientially is a series of explorations, experiments, and collective art projects to follow the question of “What would it mean if we all became experience designers?” Partnering with artists, creatives, and makers across disciplines, we are, in good company, investigating the art and rigor of what it means to design experiences for one another. 

Why & Who

Mark Magellan and I are two people who love magic — building new worlds, the architectures of energy, and telling beautiful stories. We’ve spent our careers being told leadership wasn’t for us, and watched those who hold space and lead with listening be consistently undervalued. We have a hypothesis –– that in order to activate our collective imaginations, we need more people doing experience design. We need a new generation that believes those skills are worth nurturing. So we are embarking on a journey to understand what the skills of experience design might be, and how we all might practice them together.

Emergent questions

  • What are the skills of experience design? 

  • What might it mean to be heart-led? 

  • What might systems reimagined by experience designers look, feel, and work like? And how might we come back into right relationship with self, community, and planet?

Find out more

Read the first post and follow along here.