Design for Spacetime

A workshop exploring the malleability of time and the relationships of time and space 🌀 2021 - ongoing


Each session we dive into a particular type of spacetime. We feel around it. Poke its edges. Stretch its ligaments. Meander its landscapes. We investigate the way the shape of space affects our experience of time, and vice versa. We ask what memories or moments would be, what grief, poetry, a library, or a party might feel like, if time were, for example, a spiral, if time elevators existed, or if time were laughter, not money.

Why & Who

I define my craft of Experiential Design as Designing for Feelings and Designing for Spacetime. One of the most intimate ways we find feelings, inspire them, understand them, manifest them, and change them, is through spaces – physical, emotional, relational spaces. Space is inextricably woven with time. We cannot have one without the other.  And, time, it turns out, is far more fluid, subjective, and influenceable than clocks would have us believe.  This workshop series invites participants to consider time as something to be both emotionally felt and intentionally designed. 

I run Design for Spacetime as an open invite, bi-weekly event. As of March 2022, I have hosted 10 sessions, and our invite list has grown to 200+ folks from creative communities across the world.

Emergent questions

  • How does the shape of a space affect our felt experience of time? 

  • What are the implications and possibilities of new shapes and metaphors of time, that move us beyond a linear construction and the orientation of time as money?

  • How might human experiences like pleasure, poetry, grief, or a library, be affected by a radically imagined, de-colonized construction of time?

Find out more

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