An aqua-haptic, sonic, imaginal, collaborative experience 🌀 2022


BATH HAUS is a collaborative play experience that allows participants to make a shared soundscape and control an imaginal cloud and seascape. The experience engages haptic feedback from a bowl of water, a touchscreen two-tone instrument accessed via mobile, and a guided visualization meditation.

Why & Who

A collaboration between a software engineer, a music producer, a creative technologist, and myself (playing the role of experience lead, script writer, and facilitator), BATH HAUS was a means of building our way to understanding the future of play experiences. We explored new collaboration mechanisms for bringing creatives, artists, and technologists together, untapped tactile and location-based play opportunities, and pressure tested hypotheses around what great play actually is – to disentangle and define the nuanced differences of play, games, and immersive art.

Emergent questions

  • What makes for great play? 

  • What are the exponential opportunities for technology in great play experiences? 

  • How do we activate the imagination in novel ways? 

Find out more

Want to experience BATH HAUS? Reach out by email to set up a BATH.